
Let's Improve Lives Together

Your generous donations can make a profound difference in the lives of those we serve. Through our ministry, we provide essential aid, education, and spiritual guidance to communities in need in Panama and surrounding countries. Your support enables us to expand our reach and deepen our impact, empowering individuals to overcome challenges. Join us in this transformative work by contributing what you can – every gift, no matter the size, contributes to the work God has entrusted us with. Together, we can create lasting change, caring for the sick, training other to do the same, feeding the hungry!

Lifestyle Center

Our goal is to operate an outpost center in Panama. At the moment we are busy with the infrastructure in order for us to build permanent structures on the property. We will need financial assistance to be able to finish the infrastructure work we have started on the property.


In order to make our ministry sustainable we have been preparing areas on the property to grow our own food to supply our soup kitchen. We would like to build at least 7 green houses in order to supply our community with fresh organic produce.

Special Needs

Soup Kitchen

We run a local soup kitchen which helps feed the less fortunate. At this moment we feed many people from Venezuela who are leaving their country and have no food neither money. Many of them have families as well.

Heavy duty 4WD Truck

With the significant amount of agricultural and maintenance work that needs to be completed and maintained, we require a sturdy 4-wheel-drive pickup truck to efficiently get this work done. With your assistance, we can transport heavy loads to and from the property without having to incur more cost by paying for someone else to do the hauling.

Equipment for Lifestyle

Help us acquire the necessary healthcare equipment to serve those who are ill, such as heart monitors, blood pressure monitors, stethoscopes, cold and hot water tubs, saunas, mobility aids, medical scales, examination tables, and much more! We are committed to providing comprehensive care by equipping our facilities with the latest medical tools to ensure the well-being of all patients. Your support in obtaining these essential equipment will greatly impact our ability to deliver high-quality natural healthcare services.

Explore Our Dedicated Team

Discover what makes our team unique, passionate, and dedicated to bringing you the best services possible. Our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement sets us apart.

Explore Our Dedicated Team

Discover what makes our team unique, passionate, and dedicated to bringing you the best services possible. Our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement sets us apart.

Explore Our Dedicated Team

Discover what makes our team unique, passionate, and dedicated to bringing you the best services possible. Our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement sets us apart.

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