About Back2Eden Lifestyle

We need your help so that we can continue the ministry of God helping the community spiritually, physically and emotionally.

About Back2Eden Lifestyle

The roots of Back2Eden Lifestyle trace back to a transformative journey of healing and faith within the Stüger family. It all began when the head of the family fell severely ill. In the midst of uncertainty, God led him to the healing power of natural remedies. Through a radical shift in lifestyle and a steadfast reliance on God’s grace, he not only survived but emerged with a renewed sense of purpose. This pivotal moment sparked an awakening within the Stüger family, realizing the importance of the Health Message. 

A journey of exploration and discovery into this biblical message started. As they delved deeper into the principles of holistic well-being, they recognized the significance of embracing a lifestyle rooted in harmony with God’s creation—a lifestyle reflective of Eden itself, where all was good and harmonious. In their pursuit of sharing this transformative message with the world, the family decided to start a health ministry. They began small by offering plant-based meals in the Caribbean. The name they chose, Back2Eden, symbolized their aspiration to guide others back to a state of wholeness and obedience, mirroring the pristine beauty and harmony of the Garden of Eden.

Upon arrival in Panama, the ministry has expanded and added more like-minded families to the ministry. These families have moved from the United States and the Caribbean to embark on a similar journey and are now 100% incorporated into the ministry. Together they embraced the name Back 2 Eden Lifestyle as a testament to their commitment to giving people a taste of Eden. Back 2 Eden Lifestyle embodies a profound mission; to empower individuals to reclaim their health and vitality, not only physically but also mentally, and spiritually. It represents a vision of justice, peace, love, and righteousness; a vision of abundant life as intended by our Creator.

What is organic evangelism?

The greatest need in the world is the need for Jesus Christ. However, the majority of the world does not realize this because they have so many other problems, poverty, addiction, depression, disease etc. For this reason they do not see and understand how Christ will solve these real problems. We believe Jesus can solve these “real” problems by using “real” people.

Organic evangelism is a term used by B2EL to address the way we intend to reach others with the gospel. Organic means, not using artificial agents. In our approach we do not want to build artificial relationships, but build real/organic/ wholesome ones, address real problems and in so doing bringing individuals to the real problem solver “Jesus Christ”. 

With organic evangelism we are sharing the gospel the way Christ did!


1: Identifying needs/problems within our world

2: providing services to meet those needs/solve problems

3: building relationships and ultimately

4: sharing the 3 Angel messages and the real problem solver, “Jesus Christ”.

Our Vision

Modeling Christ through our “organic evangelism” training facility for the spreading of the final message for our generation

The Message

Back2Eden Lifestyle is dedicated to spreading the gospel and promoting holistic well-being in Panama. Our mission is to establish the Eden Lifestyle Center—a sanctuary addressing physical, mental, and spiritual health. We aim to be a beacon of God’s ideals, fostering character development that mirrors Christ. The funds raised will be instrumental in setting up and operating the center, enabling us to extend our evangelistic reach and create a haven of Eden on earth.

Many people around the world have never heard of the gospel. The beautiful message of salvation through Christ has yet to reach them. Back2Eden Lifestyle aspires to play a leading role in Panama in spreading the gospel and its right arm; the health message. We promote God’s ideal for human beings, addressing Physical, Mental, and Spiritual well-being. That’s why we are aiming to create a place where all the aspects of human health can be addressed. 

A place where the character can be developed to reflect that of our heavenly father. With the Back2Eden lifestyle center we endeavor to be more effective in our evangelistic efforts in the cities.

Our Mission

Sharing the 3 angels messages through the use of our four pillars:

Health: Guarding Our Greatest Asset

3 John 1: "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." Jesus did more healing than he did preaching!

Education: Personal Development

True science is not random: we believe in intelligent design, not randomness because we have intelligent design means we have an intelligent designer. We do not accept mere theories and speculations as scientific facts. We believe God is the author of science… Rightly understood, science and the Written Word agree, and each sheds light on the other. Together they lead us to God, by teaching us something of the wise and beneficent laws through which He works. 1 Timothy 6:20: "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babbling, and oppositions of science falsely so called." Hosea 4:6: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..."

Agriculture: The A, B & C of True Education

Isaiah 58:6-7: "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of the wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thing own flesh?"

Industry: Job Creation/Financing

2 Thessalonians 3:10: For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
Ecclesiastes 10:18: By much slothfulness the building decayeth: and through idleess of the hands the house droppeth through.

The Back2Eden Lifestyle Families

The Stuger Jr. Family

The Fleming Family

The Kook Family

The Valois Smith Family

The Baquero Family

The Brookson Family

The Williams Family

The Zervos Family

Ready to create a lasting impact? Support the growth of Back2Eden Lifestyle today. Your contribution drives our mission, fostering a vibrant community built on faith, compassion, and connection.

Click the donate button below to see how you can help our ministry. Together, let’s serve those who need spiritual, physical and emotional assistance. Thank you for your support!

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